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Saturday, October 24, 2015

"Technology will never replace great teachers...

I have been seeing this comment be posted on Twitter, "Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of a great teacher can be transformational" is sometimes true for those who have a solid pedagogy. I would go even further to say, 

"Technology will never replace poor teachers, but technology in the hands of a poor teacher can be transformational" is sometimes true for those who do not have a solid pedagogy.  Putting the technology in these teacher's hands has changed the learning environment of their classroom. Students are engaged, using the technology to communicate their understandings, and critically analyzing their findings. The teacher has been motivated by the technology to try something new and are learning too. We sometimes forget that we as teachers are not only to teach curriculum. As a provider of technology professional development for teachers, I must support teachers and students in realizing the benefits of technology use for enhancing learning. In the post, We Need to See beyond The “Tool” this point is referenced at